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Contact us


Please note when filling out the contact form!

* We will reply within a timely matter, we try to reply right away or within the first 24 hours, if you need to be contacted sooner, please give us a Call.

If after 8 pm we will reply to your message the following morning. 

If you are currently on our site: The reply will be sent to the chat, a pop-up window may appear.

If you are going off of our site: The reply will be sent to your email. It may be in your Inbox or Junk folder. If you re-visit the website at a later time, the reply will be sitting in the Let's Chat, chatbox!

Thank you so much in advance and for your understanding.   

                               -Second Chance

Founded on May 31, 2013

by Cindy B. Smith


Phone: 803-535-9600

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Thanks for submitting!

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